When I became a superhero it was through the creation of my superhero identity, my costume and the cultivation of superhuman abilities that took me a lifetime to achieve, that is the story of how Warrior Monk became a legend. Well, I will tell you the tale of one individual that I know in the League of Superheroes who entered through another door.
This person was born superhuman like Superman; they did not need to cultivate the extraordinary like me. They did need to hide safely in society and fade into the background so they became like Clark Kent; so regular, so ordinary, maybe even a little bit boring. This was the part they had to cultivate, the common and the ordinary. It is hard indeed for a superhuman to disguise themselves as a common and ordinary person. Well, after time, this person like an agent who has been undercover for too long actually became their alter ego. This happened to me too! (Except that I forgot that I was just a man, just a boy, I thought I could fly and touch the sky and I became The Warrior Monk and my super powers became real.) This person actually forgot that they were secretly someone who had superpowers and abilities and responsibilities to use them. Yes, this person forgot that this was just their disguise not their real identity.
There was a moment when they noticed that I had found their secret. It was scary and exciting at the same time. I decided not to try to make them come back to the League of Superheroes but instead just decided to acknowledge their right to be wherever they wanted to be in life. That is when a curious thing happened. They did not want to be where they were. They felt lost and broken somehow and the feeling for them was like being saved. Of course I did not really save them, I was just the right person at the right time and I respected and honored where they were in their journey because it said a lot to me about my own journey and how hard this road is to travel.
In any Myth Quest there are always just a few who make it all the way and find the Hero’s Gold or The Secret of the Immortals and live to tell their tale. The most important thing in life is to notice if you meet one of these fellow travelers and from that know where you are in the journey. This is the beginning of knowing yourself and knowing the other, 100 battles won. This is the story of The Butterfly Who Dreamed They Were An Ant.
Goodbye 32, Hello 33!
Seeing as I'm about 3 weeks into year 33, I thought I should review the
goals I set out to complete for year 32. Alas, I can't say there has been
much of a...
13 years ago