I am sailing now into a new country; this marks the beginning. You don’t always notice these moments, you usually see them upon looking back, but I am skipping ahead. The reason that I am sailing into the Northern waters with my monstrous creation is because the villagers did come with their pitchforks and torches in the end. Led by my former professor from the medical university citing scripture and verse I was driven off never to return to that world again.
With a moment to take stock of things I’m left to reflect upon recent events. What do human beings owe each other? Is it the grand vision of The Path, Universal Principles, the Martial Arts Honor Code and Soul Connections that lead inexorably to problems? What is my motivation in telling the tale? I’ll let you judge.
If you’ll remember, Monk says that his is story is a myth, a legend. In the mythic sense, people come together with soul contracts, trying to rise to the Universal Principles they purport to. This usually ends badly. On another level, people have a social contract – end of story.
It is amazing how many people purporting to the higher octave of expression do not even meet the most basic level of behavior that you would expect. I have seen time and time again that when people resort to claiming that they are acting according to Spirit Guides, Doctrine, Unconditional Love, Past Life connection or Universal Law that they usually have not performed as well at a basic 3D level. In Tai Chi it is usually necessary to have Postures and Stances that are strong and centered from a mechanically sound, Newtonian standpoint in order to be energetically sound on a metaphysical or Quantum level.
As people come to their truths through social interaction there are psychic ties formed and broken; it happens. Whether it is the adolescent discovery of energy and emotion or the other types of behaviors that occur later in life we allow bonds to be created and when things go astray we feel them create tension and release. Even when people behave badly or manipulatively these psychic aspects are only a natural consequence of human interaction. Other individuals willfully throw their energy around and attach to others on a Psychic level without permission. This is a whole different thing. Actually Dion Fortune writes a brilliant compendium on this subject called Psychic Self Defense.
But you see those who made mistakes with me were just that, social interactions that went horribly wrong that we learned and grew from. Probably elsewhere in their journey they too had lost their lives, had saved lives and had found their code of honor to continue the Path. For sure that was not where I intersected with them and I only relate my part as a point of view from which to tell my story.
So now I am able to allow others to bond to me at the closest levels of Love and Friendship and consciously attach to me but it is that word allow that is so germane. Sometimes getting to this place requires feeling like the injured party. That was a gift indeed!
You can see some people draw a line in the sand and declare to God that they will go no further. They will never take another chance again because it may open them up or reveal that they are frozen at some level. The Wounded Warrior is an archetype that has a limited utility for healers and teachers in this time and it’s our job to move on and in the end I did. That is the tale I tell. The point is that we are all broken and we can find our way back, to get through it and past it. There comes a moment where you get rocked back on your heels and if you are up to it you can grow. Then you can have real closeness, real friendships, real growth and come to a place of skill and even mastery. If you are not up to it you can wear your injury like a thorny crown and tread water until you decide to heal or not. I chose to go into it, I am thankful for the agents of change who helped me break open and hope that as many of us as possible get to the other side. It can happen. It did happen.
Goodbye 32, Hello 33!
Seeing as I'm about 3 weeks into year 33, I thought I should review the
goals I set out to complete for year 32. Alas, I can't say there has been
much of a...
13 years ago