Our introduction to Push Hands is usually fixed step Push Hands. This leaves the impression that the object of Push Hands is to make the other guy take a step or to push him. It is furthermore the object to avoid being pushed at all times (especially if the Master is watching).
There is an expectation that certain things can happen and certain things are not allowed. As an aside, the only thing technically not allowed is punching. Generally, we assume certain things are of good etiquette.
· You observe the level of speed and strength in your game and do not escalate
· If it is a light sensing, gentle unbalancing and uprooting game don’t suddenly jump in and throw the person to the ground violating the tacit agreement
· Listen, observe and have a conversation not an argument
· Take your time, connect, follow the energy, take it in and return the volley
· Be crystal clear in your mind which level you are at in this particular game
o Light sensing and sticking
o Gentle pushing and unbalancing
o Pushing and pulling
o Stepping in for trips and throws
o Joint locks, grabbing and twisting
o Fa Jing and jarring strikes to the body
o Full contact
· If you get cagey, jumpy, flinchy and your Chi comes up when the triggers get pressed then stop. Acknowledge the behavior and develop cooperative drills to work on not being triggered but instead to keep the Chi down. Just sink and turn a little instead.
· Make up games with clear rules
· Make yourself equal to the other person. Stand up straighter, narrow the stance if you are pushing someone less skilled so they can find your unbalances honestly and push you
· Let them in!
There is energetic work being done in Push Hands that can be obscured by scuffling. The notion that Martial Art means fighting is a bit skewed. It does include fighting but is not limited to fighting. The energetic, extra sensory and body awareness skills are practiced separately or they will not emerge. The changes in the temperament, mind function and perception are likewise practiced consciously. They do not generally appear magically with the study of blocking, punching and kicking. There is a spectrum of Martial Congress that goes from observation, interaction, conversation, negotiation, manipulation, control, attacking, and fighting. Beyond that the Martial Artist has a context to understand Martial Arts within and those skills are practiced individually. So Push Hands is the most sophisticated art because under duress you behave reflexively. If you have anger, impatience, aggression inside you it will come out when pressed. The only way to fix this is to work on these psychic valves at their source.
Now softness is not merely a technique so they can’t find you as you lay in wait only to pounce out and get them. Softness is instead a way of letting them in at you, able to touch you at your core. This creation of shared space is one of the deepest places to explore in this art and it is a cooperative exploration in shared space. It is here we discover new levels of meaning and quality of movement.
Goodbye 32, Hello 33!
Seeing as I'm about 3 weeks into year 33, I thought I should review the
goals I set out to complete for year 32. Alas, I can't say there has been
much of a...
13 years ago
Dear WM:
ReplyDeleteWhat you are describing in your final paragraph is a state of Communion. The forgetting of Communion is the pass key to our human experience, i. e. the illusion of separation. However, restoration of Communion consciously is bliss and "softness" as you suggest can lead one there.
Respectfully, Channelingtheheart